Premiere Collections Limited

电话号码: 28383378
传真号码: 28380770
详细地址: 811 Tai Yau Building, 181 Johnston Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong S.A.R., China
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It is said that 'Beauty is altogether in the eye of the beholder'. To our eyes, there is no greater, more exquisite beauty than decorative crystal and glass, crafted as gifts of grace, style and timeless elegance for all who are fortunate to receive these hand cut and hand engraved works of art. We invite you to browse through our gala Premiere Collections crystal and glass products gallery. With 1200 skilled craftsmen in Austria and China at our disposal, we welcome your inquiries, your designs and specifications, and your orders.

Dealing exclusively in CRYSTAL and GLASS product lines, Specialists in LIFESTYLE PRODUCTS, CORPORATE GIFTS & TROPHIES.

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