Mainstar Industries Limited

电话号码: (852) 2558 9319
传真号码: (852) 2557 6936
联系人: Karen Huang
详细地址: Block A, 13/F., Hop Ming Factory Building, 6-10 On Yip Street, Chaiwan, Hong Kong.
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HKWebDir No.LKCF635385-2774
We are a company specialize in custom manufacturing magnetic components including switching power transformers, modem transformers, line filters, pulse transformers and coupling transformers, toroidal chokes, inductors and etc. With our experience and low production costs in China, we believe we can supply you dependable good quality products at a very competitive price and on time delivery.

magnetic components such as switching power transformers, modem transformers, line filters, pulse transformers and coupling transformers, toroidal chokes, inductors and etc.

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