Systech On-Line Limited

电话号码: 852-2899 7688
传真号码: 852-2537 3321
详细地址: Unit 741, Hong Kong International Trade and Exhibition Centre, 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
区: 港岛
网上地图: 查看大图
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SYSTECH Vision and Mission: Systech's vision is to improve human living standard through information technology and services. Our mission is to become the BEST IT systems and applications design and development firm in the Asia Pacific Region. SYSTECH Background: Systech was incorporated in Hong Kong in 1999 registered under the name of Systech On-Line Ltd. Systech has an extensive toolkit of IT experience, benchmark information, diagnostic tools and improvement techniques which allows the company to diagnose clients' solution and tailor an approach to help maximize the value of both ongoing and new IT investments. To every client, Systech commits the breadth of its professional talent and the depth of its accumulated learning and methods. Systech's existing clients include a number of leading companies in various industries such as banking, securities, mobile phone manufacturing, import and export, textiles, health and beauty, telecom and Government.

Systech has an extensive toolkit of IT experience, benchmark information, diagnostic tools and improvement techniques which allows the company to diagnose clients' solution and tailor an approach to help maximize the value of both ongoing and new IT investments. To every client, Systech commits the breadth of its professional talent and the depth of its accumulated learning and methods.

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